
50 Things To Do When Your Bored

1. Make a list
2. Delete your phone book, enjoy the mystery of your calls/texts
3. Print your own money
4. Level Grind
5. Slap a Nun
6. Complain to Dominoes about pizzas you haven't ordered
7. Kick a Pig
8. Stab an alarm clock
9. Play Detective
10.Cross dress
11.Shave a dog, put it in a buggy and inform everyone it's your baby
12.Start a fire
13.Wear gloves on your feet
14.Eat an onion raw
15.Stalk a celebrity
16.Mispronounce French words, swear to everyone you're right AKA The Cream dilly Cream
17.Confess to a crime you didn't do
19.Loose your wallet/purse
20.Play Godzilla, construct a model town out of cardboard and wreck it
21.Wear all your clothes at once
22.Rollerblade on a skateboard
23.Pitch terrible film ideas to major companies
24.Practise your ransom letters
25.Knock on a jehovah witness' house
26.Stare at the ceiling
27.Upload an acoustic cover version to youtube (don't bother learning it well)
28.Make soap
29.Get your board games. Swap all rules and pieces, play the new games
30.Give racism a whirl
31.Cover yourself in cushions and quilts, roll down stairs
32.Watch busy people, bask in your smugness
33.Bake a lavish cake, smash it
34.Go look at penguins (the animal not the chocolate)
35.Have a nap
36.Make papier-mâché replicas of your favourite Jazz musicians
37.Find a woods, pretend to bury a body. A nervous disposition around passers-by helps
38.Find a woods, actually bury a body. A decent shovel helps
39.Stop, look & listen
40.Construct your own lightsaber
41.Action dive over your sofa, if a sofa is unavailable a neighbours wall will do, if a neighbours wall is unavailable consider yourself blessed
42.Answer the phone with a new accent
43.Befriend a stray dog
44.Research the fruits of foreign lands
45.Make a blunderbuss
46.Visit an elderly relative, feign interest in their day
47.Colour in the carpet
48.Drop three coffee mugs: An instant puzzle
49.Make a lasso out of shoelaces, catch and raise mice
50.Absent-Mindedly organise itunes while debating masturbation

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